Next Generation
​Nursery available for babies & toddlers
Sunday School 10:00 AM
Children's Church 11:00 AM​​
Special Performances:
Throughout the year, our children/youth have the opportunity to serve in special performances such as parades, plays, and musical events.
Other Events:
Easter Egg Hunt​
Vacation Bible School
Trunk or Treat
Christmas Cookie Decorating

​Sunday School 10:00 AM
​​Worship 11:00 AM
Prayer & Bible Study 6:30 PM
Other Opportunities:
Basketball ministry Sunday 2PM
Widows/Widowers Banquet
Missions & Outreach
Our church seeks to serve others in our local and global communities with several opportunities throughout the year. These include:
Basketball Ministry - Every Sunday at 2PM
Community Sponsored Events
Church Sponsored Outreach Events​
Special Missions Offerings
Other opportunities to serve in this capacity are also available throughout the year.